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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 1-216

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Rigorous Numerics for Global Dynamics: A Study of the Swift--Hohenberg Equation

Sarah Day, Yasuaki Hiraoka, Konstantin Mischaikow, and Toshiyuki Ogawa

pp. 1-31

Symmetric Chaos in a Local Codimension Two Bifurcation with the Symmetry Group of a Square

Stella Abreu, Philip Aston, and Ian Melbourne

pp. 32-52

Deriving Information about Architecture from Activity Patterns in Coupled Cell Systems

Kresimir Josic and Jonathan Rubin

pp. 53-77

Patterns of Synchrony in Coupled Cell Networks with Multiple Arrows

Martin Golubitsky, Ian Stewart, and Andrei Török

pp. 78-100

Existence and Bifurcation of Canards in $\mathbbR^3$ in the Case of a Folded Node

Martin Wechselberger

pp. 101-139

A Robust Numerical Method to Study Oscillatory Instability of Gap Solitary Waves

Gianne Derks and Georg A. Gottwald

pp. 140-158

Blinking Rolls: Chaotic Advection in a Three-Dimensional Flow with an Invariant

P. Mullowney, K. Julien, and J. D. Meiss

pp. 159-186

A Hamiltonian Formulation for Recursive Multiple Thermostats in a Common Timescale

Benedict J. Leimkuhler and Christopher R. Sweet

pp. 187-216